Our prices
In this section
Webcasting and audio visual tribute prices

We offer a range of webcasting, audio and visual tribute options for during and after the service which are shown below. Talk to your funeral director about including this in your service.
Prices are correct as of 1 April 2025.
Live streaming of the service (1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026)
Our Chapel is equipped with the latest audio visual technology, allowing you to live stream the service to anyone wanting to view remotely.
A copy of the service is also available as a keepsake. please see the Keepsakes section below for more details.
Option |
Fee |
Live and on demand (for 28 days) and downloadable webcast |
£75 |
Audio and visual tributes (1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026)
We offer a range of music and visual options for the service and afterwards.
Tribute options |
Fee |
Single photo shown during service (throughout or at a specific time) |
£15 |
Slideshow (up to 25 photos played on a loop, or at a selected time) |
£55 |
Music Tribute (up to 25 photos timed to a chosen piece of music with fade transitions) |
£95 |
Themed Music Tribute (choice of a curated theme with up to 25 photos timed to a chosen piece of music) |
£100 |
Extra single photograph (any additional images to the single photo) |
£15 |
Extra tribute photos (per additional 25 photos added to tribute) |
£35 |
Extra work charge (for additional personalisation edits to tributes and live and on demand stream) |
£35 |
Late fees (may apply when ammendments are requested after submission deadline) |
£35 |
Family supplied (family supplied video used as received including basic quality checks) |
£35 |
Keepsakes (1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026)
Keepsake options |
Fee |
Digital download add on (digital download link when ordered alongside live and on demand, music tribute or themed tribute, before or after funeral) |
£20 |
Digital download stand alone (digital download link when ordered as a stand alone product after funeral) |
£60 |
Keepsake copy of webcast (USB, DVD, Blu-Ray or audio CD in personalised grey linen wrapped case) |
£75 |
Video book (portable, rechargable 'book' set to play videos on it's own electronic screen, in personalised grey linen wrapped case) |
£100 |
Memory Box (up to 25 printed photos in personalised grey linen wrapped book including DVD or USB stick) |
£140 |
Additional copy of webcast (USB, DVD, Blu-Ray or audio CD) |
£40 |
Additional video book |
Additional memory box |
Virtual Memorial Service (VMS)
A free virtual memorial service can be included for direct cremations.
This is a digital download link which includes:
- footage of the crematorium grounds
- single photo
- committal recording
- poetry reading
- music track
- music tribute.
A keepsake copy of the service is also available to purchase see the Keepsakes section above for more details.
Services for children and young people
A free streaming and tribute package is offered for young people under the age of 18 and children.
This includes:
- live and on demand stream of service
- single photo
- slideshow or music tribute of up to 25 photos.
Alternatively the value of these services can be put towards a more expensive tribute option (this excludes keepsakes).