Our prices

Cremation prices

Our Standard Cremation price includes a 40 minute Chapel Service.

We can also provide a range of webcasting, audio and visual tributes on request.

Prices are correct as of April 1 2025.

Cremation prices (1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026)

Cremation Type Fee

Standard Adult Cremation 60 minutes (including 40 minute service) 


Child Cremation for 17 years or younger 60 minutes (including a 40 minute service) 


Weekday Early Morning Service 30 minutes (including 20 minute service)


Direct Cremation*


*For Direct Cremations there is no service or attendance but a Virtual Memorial Service is included in the price.

Additional options (1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026)

We also offer the option of Saturday cremations, and additional time in the Chapel.

Chapel Fee Type Fee

Additional charge for Saturday cremations


Service in Chapel overrun fee (per 15 minutes)


Additional time/hire of chapel (60 minutes, with 40 minute chapel service included) 


Cremated remains

All cremations at Oak Hill also inlcude the option of scattering of ashes in our Mulberry Garden Communal Beds at no extra cost.

We also offer a range of other internment and memorial options for cremated remains.

Contact our team

Contact us if you have questions or to make a booking.

Contact us